Blog Archive

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Look how close the donate button is to your mouse

It is surprisingly close now. Only the most recent post is available to look at and there isn't an archive which is maybe not the best idea thing but I really like the fact that the donate button is so close because now people might actually be able to see it and only when they see it can they click it and give me all of their money.

I had a weird dream. I went to a Dubstep concert and some nerdy kid I know was blowing up a playground. It was kinda lame and underwhelming.

In other dubstep news, my MLP dubstep video has reached nearly 1000 views, with 661 of the views coming from the United states. That is a pretty clear act of god in my opinion, and definitely shows you wear the internet's priorities are. 931 views, it is my most viewed video of all time. Other interesting statistics include that 90 percent of people stop watching the video after the first minute, and the video is most popular with men aged over 65.

Anyway I'm still stuck in the midwest so no new content but you can watch this video of me playing "Big Buck Hunter". It's pretty friggin sexy and I get every bitches. I didn't want to talk loud though because I thought everyone on the boat would look at me weird. But after they saw my impressive Bison hunting skills they did all look at me but instead of laughing at me they said "Look at his powerful erection" and I was like "thank you it is very powerful" and then every girl sucked my dick and I am not lying at all.

Blogging is hard when you can't think of anything to blog about.

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