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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I might be taking a break from music for a while

Idk, I just haven't been feeling it recently. I'll try to finish mastering the new EP for August. I still havent got a new microphone shockmount yet so I can't really do any serious recording. I don't think the rap album is gonna be finished in time. Writing lyrics is so hard for me even when it's not rapping and when it is rapping it's even harder. I feel like I don't have any conceptual basis for my music right now, you know? Everything is just kind of "oh i bet this is cool" or i feel like I'm trying to hard. There's no greater point anymore, you know?

I'm thinking of doing stand up. I've been writing some material and I'm gonna try to find a comedy club open mic and preform some of it. I also might just record me telling the jokes in my room and upload that to youtube or something. I need to get some press.

Idk, it's a weird time. I feel like I've reached some pinnacle because my high school self has everything it wanted, and I haven't evolved enough to want something new. I have nothing to strive for, and I'm not dead yet. I've plateaued.

I'm not gonna try to force music out of me. If I wanna make a song I'll make it, but I'm not gonna lie to myself by making something I don't want to. I hope you all can understand that.

But I don't have like any fans so what the hell who cares.

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