Blog Archive

Saturday, July 20, 2013

So much for taking a break...

Shoegazing is up and ready for download. I'm not gonna finish the rap album until probably December, but I'm gonna try to record everything before I leave for school and then master it at college.

I became a youtube partner. I had monetized some of my videos but then I received a facebook message from some random person who was trying to scam me and left me a phone number. This prompted me to do reverse phone lookups and other research, which prompted me to look at my browser cookie settings. This lead me to actually look at what browser cookies i had stored and HOLY FUCK here are so fucking many of them! Some from sites I have never even been to! Most of them probably got there from third party advertising stuff, which is such shit because its so fucking sneaky and advertisements on the internet have become so common. Advertising makes everything stupid. Money makes everything stupid. Look at what happened to tv, look what happened to radio, and look whats about to happen to the internet. Companies are trying to turn the internet into a big money making service and they are using advertising algorithms to create unique profiles (without our knowing consent) and storing data about us. I'm being a little bit panic-y here and sure this mean we are soon gonna live in a totalitarian police state (not yet anyway) but it is something that we should talk about because there isn't a lot of information.

Anyway, this discovery of the billions of tracker cookies lead me to un-monetize my videos because I want to do as much as I can to prevent x^2 users from getting their information entered into the global advertising database. But what do you all think about third party cookies? Should there be laws about what advertisers can do with the information they take form you? Should there be laws requiring websites to tell you if they are storing cookie data and if there are third party cookies on the site? Should we all finally acknowledge money as the soul sucking evil that it is and abandon conventional ideals of value? Let me know what you think.

Brady Haran's Computerphile has a great video on cookies and what exactly they do. Brady Haran is really a fantastic and prolific youtuber and you should check out his stuff. He has a bunch of channels all of which are quality.

In the meantime, FIGHT THE BEAST.

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