Blog Archive

Monday, June 24, 2013

Despite you're best efforts I am still alive

Hey guys, just wanted to give you a quick update on whats going on.

I am alive, and just graduated high school. Woop de fuckin doo, i know, but this means that now music can really take a top priority for a while. There's gonna be alot of content this summer, both music and otherwise., and it will all be really cool.

First off i'm working on a new EP thats gonna come out around the beginning of july and be all shoegaze. Then there is gonna be an album coming out around august. Or at least I think there will be. Idk. Rapping is hard.

I'm gonna try to put new videos on the youtube atleast every week, so thats something to look forward too as well.

Maybe I'll even try to get a gig. The last one went pretty okay.

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