Blog Archive

Friday, May 30, 2014

back to english

wow that japanese is rly bad. i dont remember when i posted that but i already see errors in it. Fuck language is hard.

But yeah this fucking note every day thing has failed because I care so little about it. I'm almost note putting notes in just to spite it. Idk. I'm just not giving it the tlc is deserves. I'm still gonna try to release it though and ride it out. I also did some calculations and i put two extra days in the year so yeah lol.

anyway, I fucking like have to study and shit and I'm always tired and I don;t have any fun here really. I can;t believe I dedicated my last album to this college. what a joke. My friend is right. All the people you hate in high school don;t just stop existing after you leave, they have to go somewhere. Inevitably, some of them are gonna end up here.

theres also a fuckton of depressed people here and its sad as fuck. also they are enforcing all these dumb rules and it sucks. also my existential quest for dat pussy has not been satisfied.

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