white supremacy is so fucking stupid.
so, lets say we live in a world where everyone is white. what happens next? what's actually different. literally nothing is different. people are still gonna be posting dumb shit on twitter, life will still have no meaning, and all the "tiny divisions" which have been overlooked in the name of a larger threat will quickly become hot button issues and drive people apart.
Now you might say "but x^2, the blacks and immigrants are taking my jobs so if i kill them all i'll get my job back." If you said that, i would respond with "no dumbass, because if you had ever read a fucking book in your whole life you'd know that 'immigrants taking your jobs' is a myth that is consistently perpetuated by politicians for political power." Furthermore, lets say we kill all the immigrants and blacks so that they aren't taking ur jobs anymore. what then? your job is gonna get taken from you by someone who is just better than you at that job, or knows someone in the company, or blah blah blah.
white supremacy fascinates me so much because it is such a thin facade for an existential sense of purpose. thats the only reason anyone believes this shit, lets be real. its just another dumb thing for people to believe in so that people can feel a sense of "meaning" and purpose in their lives. however, these kids, right, instead of getting into art or being hedonistic, they somehow got cocked up in white supremacy, and now my friend almost got hit by a car at that charlottesville rally. it fucking busts me up.
like, just think about that name: the "unite the right" rally. what you might notice here is that word "unite" which is, lets face it, a democratic word. and its a disgusting word. all these dramatic forms of unity (be it unity amongst trans ppl or unity amongst workers or whathaveyou) are so fucking pathetic. unity isn't real. community, in the liberal-rose-colored-glasses sense of the word is such a lie and is always a deception. and thats exactly what white supremacy is, at its core: its just a dumb thing for desperate groups of people to bond over and pretend their life as any meaning. its the same as My Little Pony, anti-facism, trans solidarity, and so on. its all garbage.
but unlike My Little Pony, these white supremacists think its okay to kill people and create violence. and thats where the real rub is. the fact of the matter is that white supremacist organizations have been around for decades. they've even committed acts of violence for decades. but for a long time, at least for most of my early childhood, everyone thought white supremacists were contained. even tho they were still gross, we didn't really think they had any power. we didn't think they were gonna make any real moves. but now they have, and now we all have to fucking do something abt it.
and sure, maybe some people are "excited" for this opportunity to make a difference. maybe for some people, this is exactly the kind of political fight they have been waiting for to give themselves existential purpose, but not me. i don't really give a fuck abt any of this bullshit. i wasn't put on this earth to be an "anti-fascist" or "anti-racist" or whatever. but now i have to be. i have to do a bunch of dumb bullshit that i don't give a fuck abt because its the right thing to do.
and whats real ironic is that this is what minorities have prolly been feeling for centuries. there is just all this stupid fucking bullshit that they have had to deal with for no real reason, and they are sick and tired of it. but i guess the key difference is that history documents the plight of minorities. it even documents the plights of the white working class. but it DOESN'T EVER document the struggles of poor whities whose identity is "under siege" by a bunch of brown people because that doesn't really happen. white ppl dont have institutionalized disadvantages (at least not just for being white). so what are these neo-nazis so busted abt?
some might say "oh, these are just poor people who are being unfairly manipulated by those in power." great, except that all the people at charlottesville were bougie motherfuckers who could afford the plane ticket out. charlottesville is a bougie fucking town. these are not people who have been "left behind" by capitalism, these are people who are deliberately re-tooling an ideology because they want an excuse to do whatever they want. these are people who wanna "burn shit" and "fuck school" but instead of just listening to Odd Future they became white supremacists. little did they realize that if they wanted an excuse to riot they could just become sports fans!
because that's what its really about: its about people who never learned that the world doesn't revolve around them yelling abt having to finally grow up. make no mistake, white supremacists are children. driving a car into some protesters is a child's idea, and children would do shit like that all the time if we let them drive. children are not pure, they are just incapable of doing anything because they are tiny. but eventually these children start to become big people, to the point where people start calling them "adults" for some reason (i know this because this is what happened to me). and because you can't actually know what goes on inside someone else's mind, you just kind of have to trust that this big person is really an adult instead of child. but when shit like this happens, we know.
its all just teen angst, its all just whining. it's so fucking stupid and pathetic and it makes me irritated. when david duke says he is gonna "take our country back" what the fuck is he even talking about? it was never "our" country, why does it need to be "our country," why do you have so little self-esteem that you need to feel this pathetic sense of "belonging" to the "your country." no one gives a fuck abt you, and we know this because, as I said before, when we thought white supremacists weren't a "threat" to safety we literally let them just hang out. and we would've kept doing that, to be honest. but now you guys have started making a ruckus and we literally have to scold you because you are fucking up everyone's day.
don't kid yourself: white supremacists are just regular fucks like everyone else. there isn't anything deficient abt them, be it mentally, physical, economically, anything. they are regular ass, boring as fuck people, but instead of finding purpose in literally anything else, they opted to become really into a stupid idea founded by idiots in the 1800s. and at the bottom, all white supremacists know this, or at least the organizers do. lets cut right through the fucking bulllshit.
its all so fucking stupid.
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