Blog Archive

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Got my meds back

So that was fun, but not that fun. I'm glad i have my medication now because that means I can actually do things. In fact I've basically finished 2 more tracks on the rap album. So that's pretty cool. I forgot what not taking my meds for so long feels like, and I don't know why I used to think it was "fun". In all honesty, it's kind of like tripping acid. My brain moves a mile a minute and thinking is so easy but actually doing stuff is hard AF and interacting with people is a bit weird and like everything is just really overwhelming. Idk, its not that fun. I mean it is fun, but its not like, good. Idk. It's weird. It's not healthy probably.

The good news is that a thought alot about the game I'm making. Not Varg (speaking of which i just played through the demo and it says it would be out summer of 2013 WOW i fucked that up), but another game. It's called "My 8-bit Existential Fantasy" and is basically a ripoff of Yume Nikki. It's gonna be weird AF and creepy as hell. I'm also gonna have fun designing all the music which is gonna be balls weird. Like all sorts of weird mangled and bizarre loops and all sorts of disorienting things that are bound to cause cognitive dissonance. It'll be a grand old time. Idk when thats gonna happen though.

For now, I need to concentrate on finishing the rap album. That shit has been unreleased for way to long and it makes me sad. I have like 4 of these albums planned out in my head and its like most of them don't really need any new songs (except for one). but like I've got the schematic of all of them laid out. I just need to stop being lazy and actually make them happen.

I feel really bad about wasting my break, but there wasn't much I could do about it. Like, Just coding the midi sequencer was alot of effort, and the only reason I was able to finish it was becuase i could copy alot of code from other projects. Idk, ADHD is real man.

Anyway, hopefully classes wont be to tough this term and I can still make some music. I'm gonna do a ton of live shows this term, thats for sure. idk if i'm gonna do another radio show, but like, i'm gonna perform a bunch. so if you're in minnesota, check it out.

I'm gonna go to bed.

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