Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

So college is cool

That's where I have been all this time. I really really really like it. Thank you Carleton. I had some free time so I'd figure Id update this because I haven't. The music has been put on hold for a bit, mainly because I haven't found the time to just kind of sit down and compose stuff. There's always something to do. I've also just been trying to put a band together and that takes time. I haven't really adjusted to the new environment enough to record yet, so most of my musical output has taken the form of improvised jamming, which I've been doing via my radio show at It's from 4am to 6am Minnesota time. Check it out.

I have grown kind of tired of recording. I like the instantaneous-ness of improvisation. Everything you do is immediately laid out. At the same time, I really appreciate the precision of recording. It's just nice. Making songs on my laptop is also kind of hard because I'm not as used to FL 10 as I am to FL 8. I just like the way FL 8 works. I am familiar with it.  

Anyway, you all should tune into my radio show if you really wanna know what I am thinking about. Maybe I'll have a new song at some point, but I just don't think I'll find the time for it. IDK. We will see what happens.

See ya later!

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