Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Home sweet home...

Whaddup guys. I am back in maryland for now. I would've posted sooner but some shit went down and it was sad shit. It was inevitable shit, but i wish we could've postponed it for a little bit longer. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm back to making music all the time, or at least as much as I can. The funny thing is that I left all my synths and recording stuff at college, so i can only do things that require FL for now. Stuff requiring synths and vocals will have to wait. I do have my guitar though, so maybe you will all get some really weird whatever for christmas.

The thing is that I had a big album planned, because there was a particular thing going on in my life. But that thing went to shit recently. However, I still have a bunch of songs that I made or had started to make that were about/dedicated to that thing that was happening. They are all quality jams, so it would be a waste not to release/finish them, but its a bit weird now, because the planned story arc isn't real anymore. It used to have some real part. Now it's purely imaginary.

Anyway, check the bandcamp for new singles and shit. Also possibly new stuff on the youtube page. Who knows. Only time will tell.


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