Blog Archive

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It's been a while

So I have't been very active, both for good reasons and bad. The good reason I guess is that there was a lot of personal shit going on in my life and i felt it might be smarter to experience life for a while rather then spend all my time narrating it. Idk, After Shoegazing I wasn't feeling a lot of inspiration, and I felt like I wasn't making the type of music I wanted to make. I guess I should've been active on the blog, but I'm not that type of creator. I'm the type that updates in spurts, when the moment strikes me. I'm not the kind to schedule my creativity on a weekly basis. I've also been focusing on trying to build a stereo distortion pedal for a while and it ended up being not properly grounded and electrocuting me. Idk how or why but it is, and so I'm just gonna let it be for a while and come back when i know a thing or too about electricity. I really do wanna finish it though because it sounded really good and if anyone has any tips on how to ground a circuit they should tell me. The truth is these past couple of months have been a real roller coaster, and I'm heading off to college soon, and I felt that I couldn't just sit in my house clicking things with my mouse while there was all this life happening around me. I've never been the most popular kid, art was a refugee for me in a lot of ways. While all the cool kids were out drinking and driving i was sitting at home making music. And that was cool, I'm glad I did it. But I'm ready for a change of scene now. I'm gonna make music for the rest of my life, but it's not gonna be in this house. I wanna get out and see a different part of the world, and college is that opportunity for me. All music stuff is packed up and ready to go. That doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about music. I've got all this material lined up in my head. One of these days I'm gonna come out with like three albums at once. If I can manage it I might even get an album in by this winter. There are just a lot of complications and I feel like a lot of the projects require things I can't deliver. There's also just a lot of pieces that need to be put in place and I haven't yet figure out how to do it. Anyway, thank you everyone. Thank you everyone whose downloaded a song, watched a video, read a blog post, like the facebook, or even followed me on twitter. Those are helpful, and it makes me feel good to know that someone appreciates what I do. But I'm ready for something different now. I will never quit being x^2, don't you worry. Not ever. x^2 will never die.

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