Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why you should go see Spring Breakers

So I figure the college admission counselors have already made their decision by now, Hence I'm resuming the blog. I hope everyone enjoyed the new ep that came out on Monday. The summer LP is well on its way, and if you all are super lucky you may even get a new ep in april (been listening to some MBV). Honestly this time of year is kind of the worst because I have so many new ideas but i still haven't finished the summer LP so i have to focus on that. This is what happened with TYGFAC last year. In all honesty the last track wasn't finished until about a day before if was put up. Not to mention theres this other LP i'm working on too and it's like Oh my god brain hush I need to rap.

But anyway, enough about me, I'm here to talk about why Spring Breakers is really good and why you should do see it. Thanks to it's obnoxiously competent VICE marketing campaign, it sold itself too well as a stupid movie and now no one is going to see it. This is a shame because the movie is not at all stupid and really good. Harmony Korine is a seriously talented director and he deserves all your money and since I pirated Julian Donkey Boy I was more then happy to give him my money for this.

First off, the movie is shot excellently. It looks really, really nice. There's all these flashing lights and upside down camera angles and it's honestly really beautiful. Secondly, despite being all big and mainstream, it is a still a Harmony Korine movie. He didn't sell out, he didn't water himself down, nothing like that. It's just the right amount of Harmony Korine weirdness to make this movie fuck with people in just the right way. When I went to see it there was like 2 people in the theater and that made me sad because seriously this is not at all a stupid movie and really needs to trip everyone's nut. Had I not already known who Harmony Korine was, my head would've exploded. It's a classic Harmony Korine subversion that manages to deconstruct your expectations without being self referential and pretentious. It manages to blow your mind, but instead of going "oooh look at that i just blew your mind" it just lets your mind actually get blown. It's brilliant.

So to all the smart people: this is a stunning movie from a very talented director who is gonna kick your mind in the ass.
To all the dumb people: Holy shit this movie has so many tits and beer and dubstep holy fuck I got so hard in the theater go see it bro!

Go see this fucking movie.

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