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Friday, August 24, 2012

How to be a good electronic DJ

I went to a rave sober and it was kinda fun but what bothered me the most was that the music was really dumb. At one point they started playing Die Antwoord and it was so good but then I had to leave. Anyway, for those DJ thats are trying to set themselves apart, here are some simple steps to make an entertaining, intelligent, and danceable set that everyone whose on drugs will like.

1. Change the tempo from time to time. (HAH pun)

You don;t even have to change the actually BPM you can just change it to like half time or change the lenght of the measure to six beats rather then four or something. It's so boring when all the songs are the same tempo. I mean nobody on drugs will mind it but if you really wanna give them a good time you'll make things a little confusing and exciting.

2. Let the groove ride for more then two fucking minutes.

What bothers me the most is when DJs keep switching back into these buildups every five seconds. Once the drop hits, just let the groove ride for a bit. Don't go back to the buildup for a while because it makes the buildup really mundane and not special. Let the groove ride and then change it a little bit. Like add more parts to it. a four on the floor with some sample in triplet playing over it sounds really good and will make the druggies head spins they will be all "WHAT OH MY GOD THATS SO COOL IM SO HIGH" everyone will love it.

3. Don't put too many lights.

You're probably like "what is he talking about? cool lights are the only reason people go to raves at all! lets give the people what they want!" and while you wouldn;t be entirely wrong, its a problem when the place is so bright that all the lights lose their appeal. See, when everything is dark, the pupils dilate and become larger to take in more light. So if everything in the room is really dark except for one crazy light pattern that light pattern is gonna be super bright when everyone looks at it because their pupils will have to adjust between total darkness and super not darkness. The light will be like one million times brighter and all the people on drugs will have fun.

4. play music of different textures.

If there are any group of people that are accepting of new things its people on drugs, and as such it is your job to expand their musical horizons. As much as they think they wanna hear the same dubstep wobble over and over again, they really don't, and the night will be so much more memorable if their are parts where shit changes up (and for those who really do wanna hear the wobble bass over and over again if it goes away for a bit it will make the drops so much more epic). But feel free to really explore different music textures, from distortion to phaser, clicky clacky sounds to deep low bass, really try and change things up. But not too fast. Remember rule 2.

And with that you should be on your way to making the heads of x users everywhere spin faster then their parents can shake theirs in a disapproval. Because at the end of the day, your only trying to freak out high people. And the best way to do that is to make something that would freak out a sober person.

oh yeah and the 5th step is dont play shitty music. But you knew that already.

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