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Monday, September 17, 2012

new song + whats up everybody

Made a new song. Go check it out in the singles section. It is very aphex twin inspured becuase thats all i was listening to this morning while I did my homework. then I finished my homework and I was like "I wanna make a song" so i made one and it sounds like Aphex twin. It isn't that surprising.

It's also mastered differently then most of my stuff is. Most of my just has a limiter on the master and that's that. But with this one, I subtracted 8.0 dB from all the channels and then set the limiter gain to 8.0 dB and the ceiling to 0.0 dB. This is essentially zero gain, but it still sounds louder than it would have if we had just set the limiter gain to zero (or at least that's what my ears are telling me). Now, not only do we preserve some of the dynamic range, but we also get the loudness. It also feels a bit more open and spacious, because all the signals aren't mushed together.

Mastering is surprisingly difficult. Most of the tracks on TYGFAC don't have limiters on them at all because I didn't really know what it was. All I noticed was that when I wanted to have a bunch of instruments the limiter made everything really quiet and when I had only one or two instruments it made those super loud (listen to Industrial Horror Funk, near the end, you'll see what I mean). I also didn't know that going beyond 0 dB was bad, and I couldn't hear any distortion through my headphones. On the other hand, when I listened to some of the tracks on my old speakers that my grampa gave me, everything sounded really shitty. There's wasn't straight up distortion, but it all sounded really muddy and murky. Essentially when I listen to it on anything other then my beats headphones it sounds really bad. On the other hand none of my friends seem to notice anything wrong with it, so who knows. Maybe these speakers are just shitty.

I'm thinking of remastering all the songs on TYGFAC and then putting out a cd. I mostly wanna do it because that album cover is too fucking good to not ever see a physical existence. I don't know when I'll do it but I will at some point, and it will be so cool.

Anyway, that's whats up with me. Go download the new song.

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