Blog Archive

Monday, July 23, 2012

The midwest is dumb and everyone from their is probably dumb

I live in maryland and today I was not in maryland I was in the midwest. It was really dumb because it was too hot. The air was hot. The wind was hot and it would it you in the face and you would be like "wow that air is hot." The idea of warm air seems to fly directly in the face of Christianity and as such I have now officially converted to atheism. God does not exist because if he did there would not be such a ridiculous over sight such as hot air.

Everyone seems to hate Obama and republicans scare me. I heard one guy say "I hate Obama and everything he stands for" in response to something that had absolutely nothing to do with politics. That seems like a dumb thing to say because you cannot hate everything a person stands for. People (and Obama is one of those) stand for things like going to the bathroom and eating and those seem like things that nobody in their right mind should be able to think are bad because it flies in the face of things that you have to do to live like pee. Peeing is essential to life.

I had to sit in a car for a really long time. It would've been more interesting if I had drugs.

If you see David Thorne anywhere tell him that I think he should put a link to my website on his website because I put a link to his website on my website and it's only fair. Also I have heard he's into collar bone so be sure to send him some sexy collar bone pics.

I wish I had more blog readers. David Thorne would be getting alot of collar bone pics.

What do people think of boats?

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