Blog Archive

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I have a blog

It makes me sad that no one reads my blog because I think that my blog is a good blog. That said, there sn't actually a fair amount of blogging on it. I shall attempt to correct this.

One time, when I was six, I did something that my mother consistently and constantly refers to at every  cocktail mixer she goes to in a pathetic attempt to pretend she is a relevant person as "star shopping." Obviously, everybody failed to realize my real estate genius (when Mark Zuckerburg takes over the world he will need off world mines to make us all slave for him, but if I own the off world mines, then he would have to buy them from me and I would make quite literally a metric anus ton of money) because everyone in my family tells the story as though it was some kind of "silly" thing that I did as a kid but when the cyborgs enslave us all I will be the one with all the prime space real  estate property and none of those fuckers will be allowed to go on any of them. 

Anyway, this story ends with me falling off the roof and busting my face on a railing and crying a bunch. Those were the days.

Anyway, so this Daniel Tosh rape joke thing is like old news I guess but fuck it I just heard about it and I wanna bring up a point that I don't think has been brought up because I haven't bothered to look to see if anyone brought it up.

You do not fucking interrupt a comedian. Don't fucking do it. Ever. You will not get anything out of it except guilt and shame. 

Comedians are supposed to make jokes. When you heckle them, they start making jokes about you. They will all be nasty.

I really hate it when people from the audience heckle, because it's fucking dumb. At that point, you are just trying to make the artist feel bad and that's mean and obnoxious and if you were worth anything you would be up on that stage but no you aren't you are sitting in the crowd getting shitfaced and eating and consuming without making any attempt to contribute something positive to society. Everyone else was laughing and was happy so Daniel still made some people feel good and thats what he was trying to do. But don't be a self righteous prick and insert yourself into someone else because you think their wrong and want to take control of their art. 

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