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Monday, July 23, 2012

I am really bored on this boat

What is the point of the internet if you cant watch youtube. I can still go on facebook but I can't watch youtube because if I could I would blast the He-Man song really loudly to everyone on the boat and it would make this game of bingo much more exciting than it is because in all honesty it is not that exciting. If I could play the He-Man song everyone would get up and dance to it but it would also be really contemplative because the He-Man song is a song that everybody can relate to on a very deep level of understanding. It is one of those songs that simultaneously transcends the ego but is also rooted within it. It is both human and post human. Of this world and the other. It is the best song ever.

I played the game "Big Buck Hunter" on the boat's arcade and at first I was really bad at it but then I got really good well maybe not really good but average. At first I kept shooting the cows and not the Bison but then I was able to shoot two out of three bighorn sheep which I think is pretty darn good for a rookie. I don't know who "NBT" is but he/she/xe (in case its a trans-whatever I'm not insensitive I'm politically correct) can suck my nuts regardless of their sexual orientation because its not for their pleasure but if they are a dude I don't want them sucking my nuts because I'm not into that. If you want to suck on male nuts that aren't mine in your own house though you are free to do that and I openly encourage sexual experimentation.

I've made out with two different dudes. I made out with one of them twice but only once with the other one. I was on drugs for two of them. When I'm sober I don't like being touched but when I'm under the influence of mind bending drugs I don't mind it so much.

You can donate money to me at the bottom of the page and I promise I wont buy drugs with it. My doctor actually said I was addicted to drugs and said that she didn't think I could go three months without doing a drug. I accepted her challenge and so far I am very bored. But after she issued the challenged she touched my penis so I think she's into me. She also said that it "looks good" and "doesn't show any sign of infection" which I'm assuming is dirty talk. I'm 108 which is above the age of consent in Maryland where her and I live so if we wanted we could get it on which I wouldn't mind. She's pretty attractive but im pretty sure she's like forty so she's not exactly "quality housing" if you understand my objectification of women.

I don't think I'm gonna tell the colleges about this website. But you should tell David Thorne about my website.

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