Blog Archive

Saturday, July 28, 2012

This is hard

You know whats hard? Starving yourself to death or pulling a boat over a mountain. You know whats hard? Blogging. I was surprised at how hard it was to blog. I'm really bad at coming up with ideas and I have nothing interesting to post other then my own thoughts in my head and my current though is "FUCK this is hard how do i do this?"

Maybe if I did it weekly I could do it. One time I made a 25 minute video in one week but its kinda the worst video and also it was a school project. In my opinion the credits are the best part of it. That and the part where I am planking I laugh when that happens. Also it has the greatest soundtrack in the world. And the part where Wheeler is John Zorn is also pretty cool.

So maybe its not all that bad but there are definitely parts that are not good. I think I missed the point of edutainment, which is to weave education and entertainment together, not have 5 minutes of entertainment and ten of education. That said I wrote it in a week so shut up!

I'm pretty sure that TV shows even don't write episodes per week they just filmed them all per week. They spend a whole bunch of time writing episodes and once they are done they bang them out over the course of some weeks.

Why the fuck am I writing this? No one fucking reads this blog! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME! YOUR NOT GOD! I AM GINGER!

On a side note wtf circlejerk amirite?

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