Blog Archive

Monday, July 30, 2012

I am learning HTML

One of my friends who runs (all the wackyness of this website with none of the bitter cynicism) is teaching me how to do it. I have already stolen some of his code and learned so much. seriously check him out.

Dominic Monaghan has yet to tell me what happens in Lord of the Rings after the plane crashes. In fact, NONE of the celebrities I tweeted on my twitter binge in the car a couple days ago have responded. What a bunch of roody poodies.

Homfrog has like one billion twitter followers. I have no idea how he did that. He says it just happens after you tweet for a long time. He's been tweeting for like four years. I have only been doing it for like six months so he has some mileage on me.

Daniel is eating gold fish over my computer because he sucks. If one of you emails me I'll give you his facebook password.

Anyway yeah expect more web design in the future. There's gonna be a new album at some point this month too. It will be like Merzbow but not as loud or scary. Just foreboding.

It's kinda crazy how quickly this website turned into 27b/6. All the blog posts of recent have become mega spiteful and troll-ish. Maybe its just what I like to do.

When david thorne responds to me I'll post the email exchange it should be humorous.

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