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Sunday, June 17, 2012

what a journey it has been

TYGFAC is 99.999999999999% done. I am right now doing the final .wav exports for the songs so that the album will transition all good. It really has been quite a journey. I'd like to thank jesus, mahatma Gandhi, and mother Teresa for making this all possible.
All preachy acceptance speech aside, it has actually been quit a journey. There's alot of experimentation on this album. I did alot of things i don't normally do and got to mess with alot of things i don't normally mess with. This album is VERY psychedelic. I'm not saying that it's a druggy album about drugs for people who want to get high, but it is intended to put you in a place you aren't normally in, and that place will either exhilarate you or scare the shit out of you or not really interest you that much.
The vocals on this album were the biggest new thing. Every track on this album has vocals in it, and all of them involves the conversion of real world sound into digital sound. Sometimes that happened via a rockband mic, a less shity mic, tape cassette recorder or even a camera. As a result, mixing was challenging, and the tracks of this album put a huge strain on my CPU.
This album isn't offensive, but it certainly isn't for everyone, much like the music that inspired it. It covers alot of territory and it does it fast, so not everything will be revealed on the first listen. Be sure to give it time. Much like LSD, don't fight it, just ride it out. Just remember that if things get too hairy they will pass. I would heavily argue against abandoning this album mid listen. It changes course frequently and suddenly, so you don't think you know where it's headed.
As far as what the album is about, I'm not quite sure. Lyrically, it's a bit all over place (existential dilemmas, ADHD/concentration dilemmas, teenage angst dilemmas, AND stream of consciousness jibber jabber) but sonically, the theme is a little more consistent. Quick changes, sections of intense dance-y stuff followed by crazy experimental soundscapes, lots of synth stuff, and weird vocals effects. But philosophically, I'm still not sure.
When i get right down to it, it's about thinking. It's about education, its about analysis, its about staying up late at night thinking about what death is gonna be like. It's about embracing life to its fullest, thinking about all the wonderful things the world has to offer. It's about coming face to face with God and loving what you see. It's about knowing that life is hard yet still loving it anyway. It's about a love for life, problems and all.
All in all, I would like to thank the fans, all 28 of you. I know most of you in real life, but like, so what. It means a lot. Some of you were actually test dummies for the tracks and I appreciated your feedback. Your continued support, however small, is what allows me to strive for something greater. And with what I've got in store next year, I will do that. I'd also like to just thank the world in general, for really being such an awesome place, that's so easy to fall in love with, yet also so hard.

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