Blog Archive

Friday, June 22, 2012

oops + what am I doing now?

I realized that i forgot to update the music page on the blog with TYGFAC. I did that now. I really wish more people would read this blog. I would be more diligent if i had a serious audience.

Anyway, now that TYGFAC is done, you all are prolly like "oh shit, x^2 just made the greatest album. there is no way he can top it and he should quit music forever." well false, that isn't what what is happening (but thank you for your appreciation of the album). Right now I have been listening to this song on nearly constant repeat along with some heavy death grips. Perfume is the first band (of any language) that is clearly pop music that i actually like. I've been having a Japan phase kinda and this band has relaly stuck. It's funny because I don't know if the producers solo work is as good as his work with the girls. The girls really add something to it, or maybe the producer just puts his best foot forward with the girls. I forget his name.

I've just started watching Dead End Hiphop and i really like it. I was one of those kids who use to hate rap music and thought that guitars where the only real instrument. I use to hate synthesizers. Look at what we have now.

The thing about analogue is that its kinda cooler then digital stuff. Or like, at elast it feels cooler. It may not actually bee more useful then digital stuff, but it has a certain something that computers dont have. But like, anyone who relaly doesn;t like digital music needs to shut up becuase digital stuff has revolutionized the ace of music for the better, and im not just talking about instruments. The internet, is one of the most beutiful things to happen to music. I would not be here with out the internet. i love the internet.

Anyway, to recap: gonna have more music comin out, even as early as august. Perfume is the best technopop band of all time. Musician's Friend is awesome and the deals are bonkerous.

Good night!

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