Blog Archive

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Updates on things

Oh man, I hate rules. At least i hate them when it seems like they exist only to get people in trouble rather then to actually discourage bad behavoir. The new death grips album is fucking sweet. I hadn't really given them much attention until now, but i've listened to all their material and it's so good. It super duper good. The release date of TYGFAC is nearing. It's still not done yet. Gonna hafta hurry that up. Thought i had all the songs written but I feel inspired to write one more. Other then a couple of annoyances, life is good. Some cool things have been happening. You don't need to know what they are because they are my personal private whatever and none of the internet's business but they are good things. I don't accept the idea that institutions somehow exist outside of the normal reality. They seem to think that they do. I don't like that. I don't like that at all. But that's just minor complaints. I'm happy. At least more then I used to be. Also finally put the newest movie I made under the "Videos" tab. go look at it. It's sweet.

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